Decarbonising heavy-duty power
Developing next generation engine technology to decarbonise Maritime, Heavy-Duty Vehicles & Off-Grid Power
The world’s most efficient engine
Carnot has achieved a breakthrough in next generation engine technology, taking inspiration from a 200 year old principle of thermodynamics.
Conventional combustion engines are just 25 – 35% efficient and dependent on fossil fuels. Carnot Engines operate between 68 – 72% efficiency whilst using a range of decarbonised fuels including hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, biogas and HVO to name a few.


> 50 %
Who is Carnot?
Carnot is a UK start-up bringing engine technology into the 21st century, pioneering a massive breakthrough in engine performance whilst accelerating the adoption of decarbonised fuels.
Our objective is to have gigaton scale CO2e impact decarbonising the most heavily polluting industries, and offer an engine technology which can become the biggest accelerant of reaching Net Zero.

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